Beauty, Etcetera, Fashion, Wish List Wednesday

Wishlist Wednesday: The BEACHWAVER® PRO

If you find yourself battling with your curling wand, or iron, then this gadget is for you! The BEACHWAVER® PRO takes the struggle out of styling your own luscious locks. It’s patented design features digital temperature controls and left and right buttons, making for an easy peasy curling experience!




Why are left and right buttons so exciting?! Well, when you manually curl your hair, if you’re going for that effortless just of the beach look, wrapping strands around the barrel away from your face is key. Say goodbye to burnt fingers – the left and right buttons do the work for you. Tell the device (by hitting left or right) which side you’re working on, and it will spool your hair around the barrel in the correct direction. Once your hair is cool to touch, simply run your fingers through the curls and ta-da!




I can only imagine how much time this would save me during my “getting ready” routine, but if you’re still not sold on it, watch the BEACHWAVER® PRO work its magic on YouTube here. Or, if you can’t wait to get your hands on one of these, click here for a list of authorized dealers.

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