I don’t know about you, but more often than not, I find myself thinking, “there aren’t enough hours in the day!” Speaking on behalf of millennials, we don’t like to miss out. As a result, we over extend ourselves. Maybe it’s just in our blood, but we jam pack our schedules so much so that there are days where the phrase, “running around like a chicken with your head cut off” becomes reality! So, if there is one thing you take away from this post, make it this: no matter how busy you are, you do not have to compromise your fashion style.
Add a cape to your wardrobe and thank me later. This hot item will singlehandedly change your life when you’re having one of those “I have nothing to wear moments.” If you already own a cape or two (or four in my case!), the next item you should invest in is a pair of distressed jeans. Who would have thought ripped pants could actually glamorize your outfit?! Now that your cape and torn denim is on hand, the last item you need is a statement necklace – preferably one with neutral hues. With these three essential pieces, get ready in five minutes or less, and look like a million bucks when you walk out the door.
This outfit was brought to you by Current Clothing. To purchase this look, call Nancy (415) 400-5517 and ask her to ship it to you.
Shop similar styles below:
Cape | Jeans | Tank | Booties
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Great outfit on you!!! Love ALL the pics.
Thanks! I’ll take one of every cape haha.
I love this outfit!! And the car, too. So SF!
I think I see a pair of those boots in my future.
Thank you so much for the wonderful feedback Lynn! When I spotted that car on the street I knew it would be the perfect prop. You could totally rock a pair of booties! Happy Tuesday.