Fashion, Outfit of the Day

Age is Just a Number and Little Pink Slip Dress

Last week I attended the Sedona International Film Festival for the third consecutive year. My mom’s bff, Sharon, lives there so it has become a tradition for me to join in on their visits. Aside from the self-realization that my attention span has greatly improved (I sat through three movies in a day – hallelujah!), something else occurred to me. Age is just a number. I was probably the youngest person at the festival by 30 plus years and not once did it “bother me.” In fact, I LOVED it.


slip dress


It all began in the car ride from Phoenix International Airport. I shared a shuttle with a lovely middle-aged woman. We conversed the entire time discussing movie options and our past and present careers. She was genuinely interested in a day in the life of a fashion blogger! Coincidentally or not so coincidentally, we ran into each other two more times throughout the festival. One day as we stood in line waiting to enter the theatre, one of her sister’s exclaimed, “I recognize you from your website. We googled your name!” I was not expecting to gain three new fans from the shuttle ride alone, but I was so excited that I did.


slip dress

slip dress

slip dress


Sharon is a socialite. She has a great group of friends all with diverse backgrounds. I enjoyed spending time with each and every one of them. From red carpet fashions, food, travel, makeup, to the blog, we discussed it, and occasionally laughed about it! The generation gap did not matter. It was the conversation and good company that did. While we might not have the same taste in slip dresses, we can all share and appreciate the small things in life. Now what was my favorite movie, you may ask? Definitely “Drawing Home,” a romantic narrative inspired by a true story. It took place in Banff, Canada…let’s just say I found my next destination for blog pics!


slip dress


Shop the Post:

Slip Dress c/o Current Clothing (similar here and here)| Jacket | Stockings | Choker | Lip Stain – in Red

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