Fashion, Outfit of the Day

Stripe Pants for Galentine’s Day

There is a story behind every set of blog pics. And often times it is not as glamorous as it looks. Last Saturday Jonathan and I raced out the door to shoot this look during the “golden hour.” There is still A LOT that we need to learn about photography, but the one thing we know for sure is that good lighting is key. After all was said and done, I wasn’t happy with how the photos came out. The background was distracting and the pants are busy on their own. So yesterday afternoon, we shot these stripe pants for the SECOND time.

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Lifestyle blogger Kelsey Kaplan of Kelsey Kaplan Fashion wearing sequin Louboutins and stripe pants


Chaotic is a good way of describing what a weekday blog shoot looks like in the life of KK and JK. Picture this scenario:

2:15 PM: Jonathan runs out of the medical office building and hops in car

2:20 PM: Arrive at shoot location

2:25 PM: Double park or illegally (please forgive me – we don’t live in the burbs!) block a driveway and keep car running with hazard lights flashing

2:30 PM: Jump in backseat and change out of driving clothes and into styled outfit (wrinkled clothes do not photograph well)

2:30-2:50 PM Point and shoot

2:50 PM Drive Jonathan back to office in time for 3:00 PM patient. Eat.Sleep.Blog.Repeat…


Lifestyle blogger Kelsey Kaplan of Kelsey Kaplan Fashion wearing Christian Louboutin So Kate pump and stripe pants

Lifestyle blogger Kelsey Kaplan of Kelsey Kaplan Fashion wearing Christian Louboutin So Kate pump and stripe pants

Lifestyle blogger Kelsey Kaplan of Kelsey Kaplan Fashion wearing Christian Louboutin So Kate pump and stripe pants


Hectic for sure, but it works for us. There was only one time where Jonathan unintentionally “stood me up,” and that’s the story behind these blog pics! I guess that is the risk you take when your photographer is a Plastic Surgeon by Day, Instagram Husband by Later in the Day! Despite the crazy, I am here to tell you that these stripe pants are worth the time and effort. I wore them to a “Galentine’s Day” party last night, and received so many compliments. Now hopefully THESE pictures do them justice because this is it. The third time is not always so charming!


Lifestyle blogger Kelsey Kaplan of Kelsey Kaplan Fashion wearing Christian Louboutin So Kate pump and stripe pants


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1 Comment

  • Reply Recycle Your Outfit Like This - Kelsey Kaplan Fashion May 29, 2018 at 6:35 am

    […] this outfit looks familiar, you have a good eye. I wore a similar style (click here to see what I am talking about) during the winter with my So Kate pumps. Fast forward a few months […]

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