Fashion, Outfit of the Day

Tie-Dye Flare Pants

You know how they say, “if the shoe fits, buy it in every color?” Consider this permission to apply this rule of thumb to every fashion related purchase…beginning with tie-dye flare pants!

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tie-dye flare pants

tie-dye flare pants


For under $20, Get yourself a pair of knit tie-dye flare pants. These elastic waist pull-ons are as comfortable as pajamas yet stylish as a pair of designer pants. Whether you are festin’ it up, brunching with girlfriends, or out for an night on the town, these bell-bottoms will suit your needs. If olive does not excite you, go for the taupe or red pair instead.


tie-dye flare pants

tie-dye flare pants


So what makes a pair of tie-dye flare pants even better?! An off-the-shoulder top, of course! You already know that I am a big fan of this trend (last seen here and here), and this is another example of just how versatile these shirts truly are. When styling fitted bottoms, it is important to balance out the ensemble with a looser fitting garment on the top half. The OTS chiffon top fit the bill perfectly without interfering with the boho vibe. Speaking of interference, no need to over-accessorize with these party pants – they make a statement on their own. Instead, tote a fun purse, like the featured fringe hobo bag.


tie-dye flare pants

tie-dye flare pants


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tie-dye flare pants

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