Fashion, Outfit of the Day

Diversify your Closet with the Right Autumn Attire

What is the one item that your closet is lacking? Are you overflowing with LBDs but short on the skirt supply? To me, a well-versed wardrobe is just as important as a well-balanced diet. You want to be ready for whatever life throws at you. Slowly but surely I have been adding to my collection of tops. In fact, every time I visit my favorite San Francisco boutique, I beg the girls to make me leave with a basic shirt. So far so good. As we all get ready to pack away our warm weather garb in preparation for autumn attire, here are a few tips to keep your closet diverse.

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Life style blogger Kelsey Kaplan off Kelsey Kaplan Fashion wearing gold tassel earrings

Life style blogger Kelsey Kaplan off Kelsey Kaplan Fashion wearing black and gold loafers and fall attire


Tops for Every Occasion

I fell into the ruffle rut. For a while there, every single top I purchased was adorned with ruffles. Ruffles are great but they do not match with everything. Categorize your tops into three categories: statement, basic with a twist, and casual. When you start stacking one category, shift your efforts to another. In the example above, too many of the tops I was buying fell under “statement.” I am currently building my “casual” collection. Catch my drift?!


Life style blogger Kelsey Kaplan off Kelsey Kaplan Fashion wearing chevron Gucci purse and gold tassel earrings


Jackets and Toppers

I do not just wear clothes, I style them. I cannot leave the house in just a top and a bottom. Jackets and toppers make this fixation hella easier! It is already the 9th of October – stock up on these key items: cozy knit sweaters, longline vests, and lightweight jackets. This faux leather and fur bomber will add just enough flair to your autumn attire without breaking the bank.


Life style blogger Kelsey Kaplan off Kelsey Kaplan Fashion wearing faux fur bomber jacket


Shoes Galore

One can never own enough shoes…as long as they are different styles. I used to be a one trick pony in the shoe department. It was high heels or nothin’. I recently got on the loafer bandwagon, however, and it has changed my outlook on flats. Branch out this season and incorporate bold booties (think white!), and embellished flats into your autumn attire.


Life style blogger Kelsey Kaplan off Kelsey Kaplan Fashion wearing black and gold seychelles loafers


Shop my autumn attire:

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Top | Jeans (similar) | Jacket | Shoes | Purse | Earrings c/o


Thank you to the very talented Valentina Bay Photography for capturing the moment.

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  • Reply Fall Flavor: Burgundy Faux Leather Shorts | Kelsey Kaplan Fashion October 11, 2017 at 7:01 am

    […] (bordeaux) is my favorite autumn hue but in all honestly, I am a fan of them all. Particularly mustard and olive tones. I am starting to realize that my fav colors all have one thing in common: […]

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