Fashion, Outfit of the Day

Closet Cleanup

Spring has officially sprung! May the closet cleanup begin. Over the last couple of weeks I have been on a cleaning kick. I work from home and clutter makes me crazy. If my home is not in order, I cannot concentrate. So, I made it a mission to rid my closet of the clothes that I never wear. I had SO many with the tags still on them that I could have started my own brick and mortar store. Instead, I donated many items to Goodwill, but others are for sale on Poshmark and thredUP. What is leftover will come with me to Femme Fair on April 21st. If you’re petite or know a gal who is, send her my way!

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So how does one begin the closet cleanup process?! Start by removing all of the items you haven’t worn in six months or more. If you didn’t know you had ‘em, there’s no way you’ll miss ‘em. Next, sort the items into two piles: what you should donate, and what you should sell (keeping in mind that thrift stores and other re-sale stores don’t want out-dated styles either). After that, skim through the remaining items in your closet and remove any you’re 50/50 on. If it’s a classic piece (a black leather jacket for instance) or a very unique style, you should probably hang on to it. But let go of the “cute tops” you only wore once or twice.



Goodwill and thredUp

Now that your clothes are sorted, click here to find a Goodwill near you. This is by far the easiest and fastest way to donate them. In many cities you don’t even have to get out of your car to make a donation. Simply drive up, and drop. But if you’re looking to sell some pre-loved items, consider creating a free account with thredUP or Poshmark. thredUP requires less work out of the two. In a nutshell, they send you a bag (with prepaid label) for you to pack with your sellable items. Once they receive your “Clean Out Kit,” they photograph and upload the accepted items to the marketplace. They take care of setting the starting price, but you are free to adjust it. When an item sells, your account is credited. The commissions are low, but they are doing most of the work for you. Earnings are easily transferable to cash via PayPal.




Similar to thredUP, Poshmark is an online marketplace for all things fashion…except it’s up to you to take the photos, write the product descriptions, and set the prices. It is definitely more work for the seller, but the reward is much higher! For someone like me who already takes high res photos of their clothing, it’s easy. But if you’re not already doing so, it can become a pesky chore. Poshmark users want to see the item(s) styled, and they want to see them from different angles. Any who, once a sale is made, you will be notified via email and a prepaid label becomes available for print. When the buyer receives the item(s), the funds are transferred to your Poshmark account and from there you can request a check or a direct deposit.



Now you may be wondering which platform I use the most? The truth is, I use them both just as often. I sell older items from well-known brands on thredUP. I like the idea that someone is helping me with the dreaded closet cleanup process. Whereas I use Poshmark, to sell like-new clothes that I’ve styled on my blog. It allows me to make a few extra dollars and I get another use out of the photos. What’s your “process?” Do you have some life-changing secret that I need to know about?!


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