
Improve Your Shopping Experience Like This

It has been a while since I gave you a shopping lesson. And I am not referring to a “style session.” Rather, a friendly reminder how you can shop my looks with the click of a button or a tap on your phone.


For the gal on “the go”

Downloading the LIKEtoKNOW.it app will change your shopping habits for the better. This is by far the easiest way to shop all of the looks featured on my website and Instagram page from your fingertips. Plus, you’ll have access to exclusive styles that I do not share on my blog or the @KelseyKaplanFashion IG page. From Instagram, simply screenshot the outfit you wish to purchase. After that, open the LIKEtoKNOW.it app and tap on the image you just screen-shotted. Voila! Ready-to-shop product links are now available to you. While the LIKEtoKNOW.it app is pretty shop-tastic, it also functions as a stand alone website (no screenshots are required). Bookmark this site to shop my looks wherever you have an internet connection!



For the desktop gal

If you read my blog from your laptop or desktop computer, hopefully you have noticed I add “shop the post” buttons to the beginning and the end of every blog post. This is a straight-forward way to shop the featured items specific to the article you are reading. But suppose you’re finally ready to pull the trigger on those statement earrings I wrote about a couple of weeks ago. Rather than re-reading article after article to find them, use the “Shop” tab along the menu for a complete list of the items I already own. In addition, browse items currently on my “wish list,” i.e., in transit to their new owner (me!). These pages are updated daily, so be sure to add them to your rotation. Any guesses which of the following items just arrived today?!



Shop the Post:

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