Fashion, Style Watch

Christian Louboutin So Kate Pumps: Are they Worth the Splurge?

A Christian Louboutin high heel pump is one of the most symbolic items in high fashion worldwide. That coveted red sole has the ability to transform an ok outfit into a fashion masterpiece within a matter of seconds. I proudly own nude “Simple Pumps,” and recently added sequin “So Kate” stilettos to my collection. While they are definitely an investment piece, they’re one of my most prized possessions. I’ve been wearing them for a month already. Here are my thoughts so far.

*Full Disclosure: I am an expert high heel wearer and my feet are on the narrow side.

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Lifestyle blogger Kelsey Kaplan Fashion wearing Christian Louboutin So Kate pump


Now let’s get real, Ugg slippers are comfortable. High heels and Ugg slippers do not have anything in common! The So Kate pump by Christian Louboutin is celebrated for its dainty design and criticized for its sky high (4.75 inch) stiletto heel. If you’re a high heel rookie, this style Louboutin is not what you should start off with. But for everyone else, mark my words: you can do it!


Lifestyle blogger Kelsey Kaplan Fashion wearing Christian Louboutin So Kate pump


Regardless of the brand, always break in your high heels before the first wear. It’ll spare you physical and emotional pain later. Blisters and buyer’s remorse are not fun. Sounds crazy but whenever I buy a new pair of shoes, I wear them in the house for several hours or days before stepping foot outside. Picture this: me in my bathrobe and So Kates (hot!), emptying the dishwasher and vacuuming the carpet. Yep, it happened…all in an effort to break in my new kicks, and guess what, it worked! I’m not going to lie, it wasn’t easy, but I’d rather teach myself how to walk in the privacy of my own home than for everyone to see. Tip: Use New-Skin liquid bandage on pressure points to prevent blisters!


Lifestyle blogger Kelsey Kaplan Fashion wearing Christian Louboutin So Kate pump


The So Kate pump is narrow. As a result, many retailers suggest sizing up in this shoe style. I bought the 36.5 and the 37 to err on the side of caution. But sure enough, I was stepping out of the 37s. Here’s the thing, leather stretches. Do your house chores in your So Kates and stick with your regular size. After a few wears they will mold to your foot. My biggest pet peeve in life is having to grip my toes in a pair of shoes. I’m so glad I kept my standard size because when my feet are cold, the 36.5 starts to get loose. Consider this your warning.


Lifestyle blogger Kelsey Kaplan Fashion wearing Christian Louboutin So Kate pump


Now with regards to the approximate 5 inch heel… I give these shoes a four hour time limit. My feet have a medium arch and the arch on this shoe is very dramatic. I imagine they’d be more tolerable for someone with a high arch and an absolute no-no for flat footed sisters. It’s also important to note the fineness of the stiletto. If you have a history of balance issues or ankle injuries I would suggest a Louboutin with a thicker heel. The “Pigalle” is a good compromise. Maybe this stability “issue” is a disadvantage, but then again, these are special occasion shoes. I wouldn’t wear them for an all day affair anyway! But it is these design attributes that make the So Kate the sexiest heel on the market. Beauty is pain my friends.


Lifestyle blogger Kelsey Kaplan Fashion wearing Christian Louboutin So Kate pump


P.S. Store your So Kates in the included dust bags to prolong their shelf life. Also, find a reputable cobbler near you and have him or her apply a clear shoe protectant to sole of your loubs. I recommend doing this before your first wear. But if you cannot wait (I’m guilty of this), use packing tape to shield the sole in the meantime.


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  • Reply Masera March 7, 2018 at 11:51 am

    lol @ugg reference but so true. These shoes are to die for though!!! So incredibly beautiful and girly!


    • Reply Kelsey K. March 7, 2018 at 1:51 pm

      Haha – totally. In all honesty, no high heel is actually COMFORTABLE. So glad you enjoyed the post. Thanks for reading.


  • Reply Stephanie March 7, 2018 at 12:01 pm

    This is such a detailed and excellent review! I’ve always promised myself that when my finances are in order, a pair of Louboutins will be the first thing I get! Now I know just where to turn to for thoughts on which pair to buy! Thank you!

  • Reply Kelsey K. March 7, 2018 at 1:53 pm

    Treat yourself! Yes, they are the epitome of class but each style fits differently. I am so flattered you found my review useful.


  • Reply Lace Romper - Kelsey Kaplan Fashion March 27, 2018 at 12:50 pm

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  • Reply Ashley Perez March 27, 2018 at 8:12 pm

    Awesome review! I want to treat myself and buy the pigalle! I do not think I should start off with the So Kate heel just yet. I’m going to buy the liquid bandage for sure. 🙂

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  • Reply Amie October 28, 2018 at 11:54 pm

    I bought the patent black so Kate’s one size up. I found suntan reinforced toe and heel pantyhose and they are perfect together. I wear my black dress and these so Kate’s are a must.

    • Reply Kelsey K. October 29, 2018 at 9:12 am

      That is awesome! I am so glad you love them. I must admit, you will never find a sexier high heel.

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