It is no secret that I do not have the most practical taste in clothes. I love over-sized bell sleeves, ruffles, and larger than life earrings to name a few. But with #BabyBae on the way I am trying to incorporate simpler items into rotation without sacrificing my style! Let’s begin with this unitard and Air Force 1 sneaker.

When I tried this outfit on for Jonathan he laughed out loud! He said I looked like a mom straight out of the 80s. Well I was born in the 80s…does that count?! But he didn’t think it was ridiculous – he thought it was cute and harped on the fact that fashion really is SO cyclical. Here we are in 2020 and shoulder pads, spandex, AND fanny packs belt bags are trending! He encouraged me to wear my hair in a side ponytail but THAT would be crossing the line. Haha. Anyway, I have a feeling a unitard and sneakers is going to be my “mom uniform.” It’s comfortable, flexible, and you can easily layer one up with outerwear.

This is my first pair of Air Force 1 sneakers. Y’all know I am better at walking in high heels than flat shoes so this is new territory for me. When I bought these kicks last week they were all over the internet. Apparently I was not the only one excited about the blush and iridescent swoosh because they are selling out quickly. Act fast! For your reference, I sized down half a size. They are a heavier sneaker then most, but they’re leather and comfortable straight out of the box. This is something I can definitely get used to…plus they’re available in baby/toddler sizes. It will all be worth it when the baby and I hit the streets in matching shoes (insert heart eyes). And so it begins…!

Shop the Post:
Unitard | Sneakers (available in iridescent & white here) | Baby Air Force 1s here)| Belt Bag – Gucci (look for less here)
1 Comment
These are beautiful sneakers thanks for the blog!